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Scoil na mBuachaillí,Clonakilty, Cork
A recent Department of Education Inspection stated; “Pupils proudly described the rich range of learning opportunities the school offers. They referred to recent projects, sporting activities, language learning initiatives, local trails, strategic board
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School Times

School Hours
Classes commence each day at 9.10 am sharp.
Classes end each day at 2.00 pm for Junior and Senior Infants.
Rang 1 – Rang 6: classes end at 3.00 p.m.

School Hours | Insurance Considerations
Although the gate is open before 9.00 am, this is done solely to avoid having the children in danger near the main road. Supervision in the school yard begins at 8.55 am. 

Parents who wish to have their children escorted home should make their own arrangements to have them met at the school. To meet insurance requirements, no pupil is allowed to remain on in school or school premises after 3.00 pm, unless supervised by a teacher or for extracurricular activities.

Because of this we ask that all pupils are collected promptly after school. In the case of children travelling by school bus, the school cannot accept responsibility for escorting them from the bus to the school, or from the school to the bus.

Parents who feel that their children need to be escorted on these occasions should make their own arrangements to ensure that some escort is provided. If you are going to be late collecting your son, please ring the school on 023 8834487