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Scoil na mBuachaillí,Clonakilty, Cork
A recent Department of Education Inspection stated; “Pupils proudly described the rich range of learning opportunities the school offers. They referred to recent projects, sporting activities, language learning initiatives, local trails, strategic board
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Roots of Empathy

20th Nov 2024

We are delighted to announce that 3rd class has been invited to participate in a programme called Roots of Empathy. This programme teaches children about feelings, their own feelings and the feelings of others. Once every 3 weeks, a baby and her mother will visit the classroom. Mrs Elaine Connolly, a trained Roots of Empathy instructor will gather the children in the classroom around a blanket and together they watch the baby grow.

Our wonderful VIPs arrived today, Beautiful Baby Bóinn and her fabulous mother, Niamh.