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Scoil na mBuachaillí,Clonakilty, Cork
A recent Department of Education Inspection stated; “Pupils proudly described the rich range of learning opportunities the school offers. They referred to recent projects, sporting activities, language learning initiatives, local trails, strategic board
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Leap Scarecrow Festival

22nd Oct 2024

🎃👻Be sure to visit our scarecrow at Leap Scarecrow Festival called “Skull na Boookillí” ☠️🏴‍☠️

😊An enormous well done to Rang 7, Gillian Galvin, Claire Kavanagh & Eilish McSweeney, who coordinated the project with loads of help from Finbarr O’Connor.

🙏 Thanks to all the pupils who added their artistic talents to the project along with many other staff members.

🚐 A special Thank You to Eilish, Gillian & Finbarr who transported the masterpiece safely to Leap earlier today!