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Scoil na mBuachaillí,Clonakilty, Cork
A recent Department of Education Inspection stated; “Pupils proudly described the rich range of learning opportunities the school offers. They referred to recent projects, sporting activities, language learning initiatives, local trails, strategic board
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Global Classrooms Workshops

18th Jan 2025
The Global Classrooms is an international linking project which began in late 2020 when Green-Schools joined forces with our colleagues and friends in Eco-Schools Kenya and Kenya Organisation for Environmental Education.

The initial
 aim was to co-creation five workshops on five Global Goals: Goal 5: Gender Equality, Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, Goal 13: Climate Action, Goal 14: Life Below Water, and Goal 15: Life on Land.

Each school in Ireland and Kenya participating in the project was required to 
take action on their assigned global goal, creating an environment of interconnected learning and a greater understanding of the things the students have in common and things that may be different 

The project has now expanded to include 5 countries and we have added more engagements throughout the year, which includes Global Goals week.