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Scoil na mBuachaillí,Clonakilty, Cork
A recent Department of Education Inspection stated; “Pupils proudly described the rich range of learning opportunities the school offers. They referred to recent projects, sporting activities, language learning initiatives, local trails, strategic board
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Scoil na mBuachaillí has been proud participants in the Cork City Chess League since 1999 and Ficheall and it's a hugely popular activity.

It’s very good for on-the-spot strategic thinking and planning, and they also learn how to operate as part of a team, as well as meeting other children from different classes within our school and from different schools. The benefits are very far-reaching.

Ficheall Cork Chess Competition
2016 -2024: Winners on numerous occasions

Cork City Chess League
1999 – 2019: Overall and Division winners on numerous occasions